Hi everyone!
I'm getting much better at sending out newsletters. I was aiming for once a month - and the last one I sent out was in April. But, as usual, I got a bit swamped with other things, so I'm a little bit late this time.
I've been busy doing PR for Ticket to Ride. I could write a small book about everything involved in doing your own PR when you're an indie author. The short version is:
- booking a blog tour (two, in my case)
- planning, writing, scheduling and posting on three social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter) (including posts to support the blog tour)
- writing the blurbs for the postings
- finding or taking photos to support the blurbs
- approaching other bloggers (friends or those who have been supportive in the past) for reviews or guest posts or mentions
- writing and sending out press releases to selected media outlets
- doing some interviews with those media people, and
- arranging for some in-store book signings! (more about that below)
I'm not quite sure anymore how indie authors actually find the time to write their books. :-)
But - I have made a start on Bad Boy, the next book (#5) in my Jason Davey Mysteries. It begins at The Shard in London and involves the theft of a priceless piece of musical memorabilia. And that's all I'm going to tell you - other than we're going to see the return of Arthur Braskey, the baddie from Notes on a Missing G-String. And Jason is absolutely terrified of him (you'll know why if you've read G-String) so this promises to be quite interesting!
It's been quite rainy here in New Westminster, which is totally fine with me, as I'm a pluviophile at heart. The seeds I planted in pots on my balcony have all sprouted and I'm really hopeful that in a little while I'll have some beautiful Four O'Clocks blossoming to tempt the hummingbirds. They're regular visitors to my feeder, which is quite astounding to me, as I live 8 floors up, overlooking the river. But this neighbourhood is filled with the gorgeous little things, and they're very resourceful (and curious).
Here's one of my little visitors from last December, checking out the geraniums!
And now for some author event news! I've been working with a publicist, Bob Harris, who is repping (formally and informally) some of my better-known writing colleagues, among them M.N. Grenside, whose "blurb" you can find on the back cover of Ticket to Ride, as well as inside. Mr. Grenside is a former tv and film producer. You can read all about him here:
and here:
Bob is also helping to promote the work of my local writer friends AJ Devlin and Rick Alexander, and to that end, Rick and I will be signing copies of our novels at Indigo bookstores in the Lower Mainland in June and July.
Rick is the author of i Hit, and you can read all about him (and his novel) here:
Below is our book-signing schedule for June and July:
- Indigo Robson (Saturday June 11 and Sunday June 12, 1 pm to 3pm)
- Indigo Metrotown (Thursday June 16, 5pm to 8pm) and Indigo Granville (Sunday June 19, 1pm to 3pm)
- Indigo
- Indigo Langley (Sunday July 31, times TBA)
So, if you live in the Vancouver area, I'd love it if you could come by and see us!
I'll have copies of Lost Time and Ticket to Ride for sale, and Rick will have copies of i Hit. We'll also have some sweets (to entice you) - PLUS - if you buy a copy of Lost Time or Ticket to Ride, I'll send you a free ebook of Cold Play, Jason's first big adventure on board a cruise ship in Alaska.
If you'd like to know more about all of my books, please visit my website:
and click on the book covers.
That's it for now! Hope you're all well and enjoying our June weather, no matter where you live! And many, many thanks for continuing to support me and to stay in touch!
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