Ozzy Imprint

Update from #teamJade

Dealer's Child


Advanced Reader Copies

Hello. A couple of updates. The book launch has been rescheduled to Sat., September 11, 2021. I have put a deposit down at the Fortune Gallery in Chinatown in Victoria.

ARC. (Advanced Reader Copies).

I have received back the 2nd set of edits. I've completed the 2nd set of rewrites and I'm giving Dealer's Child another read-through. The plan is to drop off (fingers crossed) the final version of the book with my editor. I have a list of individuals who will be receiving a pdf ARC (Advanced Reader Copies). One of these individuals is author Susan Jane Wright. She is the author of the short story Madeline in the Moonlight and she has more publications coming down the pipe. If you would like to check Susan out, her website is susanjanewright.ca These individuals will be looking for typos, grammar errors, etc. You may ask, well shouldn't the editor catch that? She does. But there is so much to look for and double-check. I caught a wardrobe error and my editor caught a wardrobe error. Then, I'll be fine-tuning the book design and there will be one more proof before I request an author copy, and then there's another proof. Lots of proofing going on.

I hope everyone is having a safe and healthy summer. I walked out of a coffee shop the other day and hesitated, because I was blown away by the number of people. Thank you for reading.



 Now watch the trailer for Joanna's second exciting story Dealer's Child!