Ozzy Imprint

Update from #teamJade

The Unravelling


Book trailer for The Unravelling

Thank you for your feedback. I really appreciated it. I made some changes to the book trailer for The Unravelling which is now posted on YouTube The Unravelling - YouTube I realized the other day why I enjoy creating book trailers. It's another form of storytelling. The jury member scene I had to cut short because the camera pans to the American flag. There's nothing wrong with seeing the American flag, but not in a Canadian courtroom. The alley scene, well, when I saw the clip showing a bunny running across the alley, that had special meaning for me. I was amazed at the importance of sound, even if it's just music.

I'm working on the book trailer for Dealer's Child, and I'll be taking my own video of areas on the island and using them in the book trailer.

One final note, if you have a chance please check out the Blue Devil Books website in the UK. Brian Richmond who manages this website which promotes Canadian authors, told me that tomorrow is Blue Devil Books Day. Home (bluedevilbooks.com) Thank you Brian for supporting me and my fellow authors, Winona Kent and Alice Bienia.

Stay healthy everyone and have a safe and fun long weekend.


